Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Jew in Cebu

When I first decided to move to Cebu, one of my sisters was furious, kind of still is. She asked, “Why is a Jewish woman going to the Philippines?!” She made me promise not to go to Mindinao. It is now Rosh Hashanah of my second year and on some level she was right. The Philippinos are not anti-Semitic, they like the Israelis because they have helped in emergencies. What they are is clueless. Like my students that knew I was Jewish, but still gave me Christmas cards, they can’t believe someone doesn’t celebrate Christmas.

I celebrated Rosh Hashanah at Moalboal. Also staying at Cora’s Palm Court was Eshay, an Israeli man, about 50. I shared my apples and honey with him. We ate dinner together, discussing how people here don’t know about Jews, the holocaust, or understand Israel, guess that is true of many people, throughout the world. It is a bit alienating when all of that is near and dear to my heart. A few people wished me Happy New Year and I appreciate the effort and thought.

So today is Yom Kippur, I have had time to reflect. Mostly I’m thankful, grateful for the amazing life I’ve been able to live. I am thankful for what I take for granted,my freedom, my standard of living. I gave Christine a ride yesterday, she described her home, on the mountain, as peaceful, her neighbors were the birds. Looking forward to my peaceful place in Napa next new year.
At Work: I've opened the new library!
From empty to a happening place!