Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cebu International School, here I come!

I've mailed my signed contract to Cebu International School.  I'll be leaving, July 14, 2014,  for a two year stay in Cebu.  I'm excited to get my chance to explore Asia!  I wanted a base, to dip my toes or put my big feet into, China, Japan and other spots.  I've wanted to visit the Philippines since I taught in Vallejo.  I learned a lot about it with the kids.  I get to see Palawan Island and the Chocolate Hills.
My position will be half time ESL teacher and half time librarian, at a school with 350 students.

File:Ph locator region 7.pngMy plan is to find a lovely place for me and Susie Q to live.  We will explore Cebu and the Philippines and learn the ins and outs, We will discover the good places to go and great restaurants.
Then you come and visit.  The first week is Cebu, you recover from jet lag.  Then we plan an excursion, Hong Kong?  Manilla? Bangkok?  Phuket?

Think about it!

See you in Cebu?  You are welcome!

The reaction to my decision has been interesting! Some encouraging, some incredulous.

Greg sent me the youtube of Buddy Hacket doing his Philipino bit on the Johnny Carson show.  It is funny!

Below are comments from Facebook, when I wrote Cebu International School, here I come!